What are the organelles found in a root hair cell?
Nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, large central vacuole, cytoplasm.
What are the function of the organelles?
The nucleus controls all cellular activities. The cell membrane allows water and mineral salts to enter the cell. The cell sap stores the water and the mineral salts. The cell wall is to give the cell its shape.
Why are the organelles important to the cell?
Because without them, the cell cannot transport the water and nutrients the plant needs to survive.
What are the structures of the cell?
The cell can absorb water and mineral salts for the plant.
Nutrient uptake is maximized in young roots by root hairs. These projections of
single root cells extend into the surrounding soil and provide a much higher surface
area/volume ratio in contact with the nutrient source.
Jun Hui, Reuven, Arthur, Hakeem, Issac
Please state your group members names.
Mr. Low
I understand that the nutrient uptake of the plant is maximized in young roots by root hairs
I learnt that the cell can absorb water and mineral salts for the plant.
Millie Thng
I learn that the nutrient uptake is maximized in young roots by root hairs.
I learnt that root hair cells help the roots absorb a lot more water than without the root hair cells
I learnt that the root hairs maximize nutrient uptake for the plant.
After reading this post,I understand that organelles are vital for a living thing to live.
I have learnt that the projections of single root cells can provide a much higher surface area/volume ratio in contact with the nutrient source.
single root cells extend into the surrounding soil and provide a much higher surface
I never knew knew that.
I learnt that the root hair cells help the roots absorb water and minerals.
I learnt from this aritcle that the nutrient uptake is maximized in young roots by root hairs.
Tshin Qi Ren
Ilya Haider
I learned that the cell itself absorbs water and mineral salts from the ground.
Root hair cells are different from other plant cells!
Surprised by the fact that nutrient uptake is maximized in young roots by root hairs.
I learn that the nutrient uptake is maximized for young roots by root hairs
I learnt that the uptake of nutrients by the plant is maximized in young roots by root hairs.
i did not know root hair cells maximises water intake for young plants until i read tis post
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