Saturday, February 20, 2010

Group 3571114's Project


What causes?

  • It can be inherited from parents
  • The bone marrow makes enough platelets but the body destroys them or uses them up.The stem cells are damaged so it does not grow into healthy blood cells
  • Destroys its own platelets due to autoimmune disease, certain medicines, infections, surgery, pregnancy.
  • The spleen holds onto too many platelets. Usually 1/3 of the body’s platelets are hrld in the spleen. If the spleen is enlarged then it will hold too many platelets it means not enough platelets in the blood

How does the component of blood affected in the disease?

  • The person which has Thrombocytopenia will have fewer platelets his/her body.

What is the function of the blood component?

  • Platelets repair cuts and damaged skin of a person.

How does the blood component differ from the rest?

  • It is a small, irregularly shaped cell without a nucleus

How will the absence of the structure affect the patient?

  • With fewer or no platelets, the person’s wounds will heal slower. The platelets circulate in the blood of mammals and are involved in hemostasis, leading to the formation of blood clots. Thus this cannot be carried out any longer.

Information taken from and our group's logical reasoning

Done by Ilya, Reuven, Kimberly, Millie and Serene


Zhang Yifan said...

What I learn...
I learned that Thrombocytopenia can be inherited from parents and can heal slower.

Fatin Zafirah said...

I've learnt that Thrombocytopenia is a genetic disease.

J.H. said...

i have learnt that thrombocyopenia is inherited from parents

helene said...

I learnt that thrombocytopenia is when the body harms itself - the body destroys or uses up the platelets that the bone marrow produces

helene said...

i learnt that people can inherit the disease from their parents

Zhang Yifan said...

I learnt that it is caused when the bone marrow cannot produce enough platelets.

Qi Ren said...

I learnt that Thrombocytopenia can be inherited from the parents

Fatin Zafirah said...

I've learnt that 1/3 of the body's platelets are hiden in the spleen.

J.H. said...

i have learnt that thrombocytopenia can be dangerous because if the person is injured fatally via a blood wound, there may not be enough platelets to clot and stop the bleeding and the person may DIE!!!

Wei Kang low said...

I learnt that Thrombocytopenia can be inherited from the through bloods and that it would effect the platelets, making less platelets to clog blood.

A.L. said...

I have learnt that Thrombocytopenia can be caused by inheriting it from our parents.

Jeremy said...

I learned that Thrombocytopenia can be inherited from our parents.

Qi Ren said...

I learnt that Thrombocytopenia is a diseases that will cause more sufferings as your wound will take longer to heal and the wound might suddenly be infected as well so the illness look small but is a big problem if not taken care of...

Pasakorn Konwohrachet said...

I've learnt that Thrombocytopenia can be inherited from parents, and that it involves the bone marrow.

Denise said...

I have learnt that It can be inherited from parents.
I have learnt that it destroys its own platelets due to autoimmune disease, certain medicines, infections, surgery, pregnancy.

Jeremy said...

I learned that Thrombocytopenia is a disease which causes us to have less platelets in the body

A.L. said...

I have learnt that Thrombocytopenia is caused by the the spleen holding onto too many platelets.

Pasakorn Konwohrachet said...

I've learnt that Thrombocytopenia causes less platelets within the blood.

IZK said...

I learnt that this disease can be inherited from parents and can affect the healing rate of a person

Reuven Lim said...

I learnt that this disease can either be inherited of gained.

Matt said...

I learnt that certain diseases can be inherited from parents

Reuven Lim said...

I also learnt that this disease can cause bleeding to death, and slow healing

Norullayaley said...

I have learnt that Thrombocytopenia is inherited by parents and it is caused by the body destroying or using up many of the platelets in the blood and making the stem cells damaged. Thus, they do not grow into healthy blood cells.

Norullayaley said...

2) I have learnt that with the absence of platelets, wounds heal slower as the platelets are involved in Hemostasis (which causes blood clots).

Roy Chua said...

I have learnt that Thrombocytopenia will affect the amount of platelets in our blood

hakeem said...

I learned that Thrombocytopenia can be caused by the spleen that holds too many platelets.

Mitchel Goh said...

I learnt that it can be inherited from parent